Green manufacturing is not a choice but a necessity today

What is green manufacturing?
There are many interpretations of ‘green manufacturing’ or ‘sustainable manufacturing’. For us, it’s the over-arching goal to design, manufacture and deliver products or services in a way that minimizes the negative impact on the environment, through how we produce, use and the dispose of any waste created.
Manufacturing transformation
Green manufacturing is not new, we’re just talking about it more today. This industry has proven it’s transformational abilities since the 1850’s, whether shifting from craft production to mass production then on to mass production and to green manufacturing where we are today. However, the industry hasn’t been sleeping until now.
In the 1980s, we saw the first practices introduced to reduce waste, followed in the 1990s by practices to reduce toxic and hazardous substance reduction and to the mid-2005, where we saw an increased focus on reducing green-house gases.
Why it is important today?
Manufacturing is at a strategic inflection point, driven by the growing consumer demand for more personalized products, coupled with global temperatures increasing and diminishing scarce resources.
In addition to that, a slew of new policies were passed by Governments and regulators. One of the most important examples is what Ursula Von Der Leyen calls “Europe’s man on the moon moment’ – the goal to become the first climate-neutral continent by 2050.
The CEOs of companies are also being requested to publicly disclose how they are delivering on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs). Manufacturing is one of the biggest contributors to reducing the carbon footprint, so the industry needs to move faster.
Kick-starting green manufacturing initiatives
Sustainability is here to stay and is critical whether you are planning a greenfield or brownfield factory. Sustainable practices should be implemented at every decision point throughout the operation setting you up for future success.
Benefits from implementation
There are a number of benefits for a company in shifting to green manufacturing. In my experience, any shift should result in a strong tangible and intangible returns. Here are our top thoughts on why you should upgrade now:
Cost reduction: The costs associated with manufacturing can also be reduced through sustainability initiatives. This includes reducing the reliance of utility companies for power and recycling. Essentially, companies that optimize existing operations and reduce their demand for energy can reduce manufacturing costs for each product product, resulting in savings for customers and increased competition.
- Reduce impact on the environment. The company has the opportunity to reduce its overall reliance on different energy resources.
- Taxation incentives. Many governments are using tax incentives to entice companies to invest into new technologies to reduce the carbon footprint.
- Tightening compliance regulations: Regulations and policies will get tougher in the future so companies that have sustainable manufacturing initiatives are setting themselves up for future success.
- Use of recycled raw material: This reduces your carbon footprint significantly.
Getting started
Transitioning to green manufacturing and sustainable practices forces manufacturers to look at all areas of production. Our 30 years of experience in this industry means that we are equipped to be your partner for planning and execution. We will work with you to plan your green manufacturing facility, identify in-efficiencies, plan conversions and new processes are developed using the least inputs to create the greatest output and help cut through the red-tape.
IFAO is experienced in designing new manufacturing facilities and upgrading existing facilities. We will review all areas of your manufacturing process and identify vulnerabilities and opportunities.
- Planning new your factory – based on product requirements and aligning with location and local regulations.
- Eliminating waste and redundancies, e.g. water throughout the product line(s) – using the latest tools and methodologies to drive change.
- Optimize your supply chains for green manufacturing – ensuring your supply chain sets you up for long-term success.
- Plan for energy cost reduction, e.g. lighting, electricity – we will work with you to define the right strategy for your specific needs.
- Develop plan for transporting products –Ensuring you are considering environmentally transportation modes and using the latest technology to do it.
Going green and using sustainable methods are long-term investments for the success of your company. They require a paradigm shift in planning, but the rewards are worth the effort. We have the experience and first-hand knowledge, having worked on numerous projects and we’re here to help you.
To set up a discussion or learn more please contact us.